Saturday, March 20, 2010

clouds and flowers

Some pastel drawings I've done in the past few weeks

This was a still life that started out as a silhouette but then I started adding color, and detail, and it became a pretty nice flower drawing. I think I might do more flowers like this.

This was done over spring break, I was going to get some food, and the sun beaming through the clouds looked too cool to pass up. This was a 5 minute sketch but I think because of the short time, it captured a lot of energy.
This was done the other day, I was going to draw the bridge, but thought I might try to paint the sun being blocked by a passing cloud.

Till next time,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gene Evaro

A little picture I made about Gene Evaro and the wonderful music he and his sisters make. You can listen to it at

Golden Mushroom Woman

Thats the name I've given my new paint job on my old guitar.